Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Meeting Reminder

There will be another reunion meeting on April 3, at 7:00pm at Sylvia's in Canton. This meeting is open to anyone and we would really love to hear your input. Please come if you can. Just a little over 2 months until the reunion... can't wait to see you all!

Monday, March 5, 2007

Need a place to crash???

Since some of us might be traveling from out of town, we thought that someone might need a place to stay. Here are the two hotels in town that you might want to try:
Best Western 386-8522 and ComfortSuites 386-1161
FYI: Dairy Princess Parade is on June 2nd and there is some sort of SLU reunion that weekend also, so rooms are sparce, you might want to book now.

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Not Forgotten

Here is a thought...and I just spoke to Kevin Pierce about it, thought it wasn't a bad idea. Please let me know your thoughts.

Even though Kirk and Wayne won't be at the reunion physically, I know that they are both still with all of us. I was thinking of getting wreaths for their graves, or something for their parents, to show that we have not forgotten them. They have been gone for almost as long as they were with us...and I think it would be nice to let the parents know that they will always be a part of our class.

I wouldn't mind making a simple wreath for them, although, I am sure I am not the craftiest person.

Please let me know what you think. You can leave your comments on the blog...or email them to


Meeting updates

The meeting tonight was great. We had a lot of ideas coming and going. Nikole Downing, Pam Patterson, Sean Baker, Jeremy Tripp and I attended and really had a nice time. There are some things that Nikole will be running by Melissa soon, and there are some people we are still having a hard time getting a hold of. If you have any idea on how to get a hold of the classmates that I listed in the previous post, please let us know. You can email us at . Does anyone have any ideas on DJ's in the Canton area? If so, please let one of us know. June 1, 2 and 3rd are right on our heels, and we have a lot of things to get organized, and the DJ is one of them.

Our next meeting is April 3, at 7:00 pm at Sylvia's. Please come if you can, it is beneficial to have as many ideas and helpers as we can.

I would just like the thank Nikole for all of her hard work. She has really stepped up to the plate and done a lot of organizing. Her trusty sidekick Pam is doing a great job too! They both have put a lot into getting the ball rolling to make this an unforgettable reunion and hopefully all of their hard work and brainstorming will pay off in the end! Also thank you to Jeremy for braving the weather and playing hookie to come to the meeting, and to Sean for taking on so many "homework" assignments.

Reminder of Our Reunion Meeting

Hey guys, don't forget that there is a reunion meeting at 7:00 tonight at Sylvia's. We would love to see you all there if you can make it!